Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello World

so I am a uni student somewhere in Perth and as part of one of my units I am being forced to start a blog. actually I always wondered about starting one anyway but its one of those things that you just never get around to. officially for this particular post I have to state my career goals and some info about myself which will be basic because after all, this is the internet.

so,career goals: to finish uni (BCOM major Acc/IS) with some halfway decent marks and get a job with SAP. and make lotsa moolah.

info: I am 25, married and finding uni to be a very interesting experience from a mature age students point of view. I am trying to learn Farsi, and then I want to learn Bahasa. I am addicted to cheese. I took a long time to work out that while it's cool to be the girl behind the bar or on the door at the club it's not so cool to realise that if I don't get my ass into gear it might not be so cool when I'm thirty. and that jobs in clubs dry up around then anyway because they want to hire the teenager, not the barfly.
and now I am actually writing this blog because I am procrastinating doing the worksheet that asked us to create it for which I now have 1 hour and 13 minutes to do. shit. damn you facebook! back to this later.

Thursday, March 11, 2010